Friday, 16 February 2007

Every day I have been crying...

for Kiah, for Ava, for myself.

Words can not explain how I feel at the moment. So many things are happening in my life and it seems everything is out of my control.

I wonder when it will get better?


Trudi said...

I dont know if it gets 'better' Kate, it just gets 'easier' and each day you think a little less about it. Its never gone, and I DO know how you have been feeling, I have been living in that place too of late. Chin up my friend, it will ease.....

Lynda said...

Hello Lovely.... been thinking about you and where you are sitting just now - a wise teacher once said to me:

"Women pass water when they hear the truth spoken"... for me this means peeing a lot - for you... well I don't know, perhaps confirmation of the loss of a wonderful friend. LL