Thursday, 3 May 2007

Zachary and I went for a School Tour on

Tuesday morning to the High School that Samuel is going to...just so that Zachary could get a feel of it on his own. Funny thing is, they handed us a card with the Information Night info on it along with the handbook and I popped them straight in my bag. Two days later, I am scavenging through my bag for a pen and I pull out everything...there on the table, I see Samuel 'fake smiling' up at me! And lo and behold there he is right on the information card! How fun! So here it is for all to see...


handinhandaus said...

lol how funny!! I hate those fake smiles, I think Zac lost the ability to smile for the camera at about 10 and still hasn't got it back :(


Lynda said...

Love the 'Fake smiling!" that must be a thing that mother's can spot - he look pretty cool to me. Nice surprise to pull out of you handbag.

Bowznstuff said...

tee hee, look at your gorgeous boy - how fantastic to have him on the card!
Cree :)