Saturday, 27 September 2008

Leaving the nest....

today, my youngest boy is leaving us for 4 nights and 5 days.

He is 12 years old.

He is going on Trials Bike Riding Camp with other quite a few other guys his age and older. It is a big step for him as he loves to be with people he knows.

Last year, he went and it was a bit of a trauma. He took his brother's mobile phone 'just in case' and lo and behold on the 2nd morning I had two voice messages from him around 5.00am in the morning. He sounded distressed - not as distressed as I because I didn't get the messages until after 10am!

Turns out he had had a bit of an 'accident' in bed. I had already told him what to do if that happened as it was a bit of an issue then but I guess there is nothing like having mum around if something really happens. In the end though, he managed. Yay!

So, he is leaving tonight and we haven't had bed wetting issues for a very long time now so he is feeling confident. I still worry for him though. It is a long time to be away from his family and being surrounded by all those males!

They will be learning from the best riders we have here in Australia and he is very excited about that.

I will miss him.

He is my constant child this middle boy.

He balances our family.


Brissiemum2 said...

And is looks so cool on that bike! Far out, he is growing up! But obviously, he'll always be your 'little boy'! ;)

Brissiemum2 said...

Ummmm.....that should read 'he looks so cool on that bike'! Can you tell that it's after midnight and I so have to go to bed!

Lucy said...

Hi Kate,
Thank you for dropping by and joining me as a follower. One good deed deserves another and I have added myself to your follow list.
Just adore your photography, but then again you certainly have very stunning subjects. Your children are just adorable.

Amanda said...

Hi there!
I hope he enjoys his 5 days away, but i'm sure it will feel much longer to you!
Thanks for following my blog ~ i'm following yours now too!

I love those pictures at the beach ~ they are just beautiful. It also looks lovely and warm!

Hope you had a nice weekend!

Amanda x

Amanda said...

p.s I love your music selection!

Danielle said...

That is such a cool camp. I think I'd find it so hard though. It would be a long week for me.

I bet he has a fantastic time. Hope he has some good stories.


jeanie said...

See - I would be having kittens of my child just being on a bike powered by more than just legs!!!

Bowznstuff said...

Ha!!! Yes you and me both K8. Most of the time we just hung out in the street - VERY VERY VERY occasionally we might be taken somewhere but nothing like our kids now!