Sunday, 29 July 2007

Trivia Nights - not Trivial at all!!

Last night we went to our Primary School's main fundraiser for the year. It was a trivia night and they are always such fun!

Our table was allocated the colour Navy - so, I made some Australian Navy hats and we wore them - called ourselves H.M.A.S. Intelligence. Shoulda called ourselves H.M.A.S. Mediocre or H.M.A.S. Middle of the Road going by our results!

Really, I wanted to called us H.M.A.S. Smart Arses but thought some in our little Catholic Community wouldn't appreciate it!

Some of the questions were really obscure but we did pretty darn well considering. The night was M.C.'d by a well known Melbourne Radio personality (who has a child at our school) - Matt Tilley from FOX FM - he did a really good job but by the end of the night - with around 230 people having had a few drinks - we were a little hard to control!!

The Silent Auctions were fantastic and the loud ones were even better. A painting by Bronte's class fetched $1000.00 other classes paintings went around the $500-$600 mark and no, we didn't bid!

Can't wait to see how much was raised!

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