Sunday 29 April 2007

Uploaded some photos from the camera tonight

and really wanted to share...

Stan, Zachary Bronte and I went to Yarra Bend on Anzac Day. For those that don't know, the Yarra River runs through Melbourne and it is our main river here. There are beautiful parklands. We decided to go for a picnic - Samuel stayed at home and had his good friend Luca over for a visit.

Anyway, here are Zachary and Stan. Zachary decided to make a boat out of bark and sail it down the Yarra. He made a sail out of paper that was in my bag and proudly launched the boat. He watched it sail down on the current and laughed when two people in a canoe came past and the guy said, 'Boat Ahead!' Nice man!

Yep, here is Bronte on the same day at the same place, enjoying herself as usua

Finally, here is a photo
that I took just the other day of Zachary - I really love it ....relaxing on the trampoline!

What a life!

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